I am one of those people who can get lost for hours reading tips on the internet...everything from how to repaint laminate furniture to keeping your skin looking young with ingredients from your refrigerator. The most recent tip I read was this morning and it was about how to repel mosquitoes with lime halves and cloves.

According to the information you just put cloves into limes that have been sliced in half and TADA! the mosquitoes don't come around. I don't know if this really works but it seems like a great waste of limes to me since they are more enjoyable in Margarita's! I have to admit the picture seems rather pretty and would look great on a patio table.
When I was growing up we had well water. Our water smelled of rotten eggs and most people didn't like to drink it. My family was use to the smell so it didn't bother us and after we got a new fridge with a water spigot so cold water came out we didn't notice the smell at all and besides I always thought our water tasted so much better than any other water I tasted when I would go somewhere. And to be truthful many of our guests loved the taste of our water as well. But what does this have to do with mosquitoes?
I can remember quite well the summer of 1980. We had a lot of company that summer. We hadn't been in our new house very long and many of our relatives lived in other states in towns or cities and they would come to visit and stay for a week or so. I always loved having company and relished listening to stories they would tell of their lives. Since it was summer we would sit outside a lot and of course there were flies and mosquitoes in abundance. I remember my cousins swatting at the mosquitoes constantly while my family and I would sit there in relative comfort, I say relative because it was summer and it was Oklahoma so you know it couldn't be totally comfortable. After noticing this pattern for awhile and asking around my mom came to the conclusion that our water, which went through a sulfur vein, kept us from getting bitten by mosquitoes.

Here it is summer time and I always swear I am going to get some sulfur tablets and take them and see if it works for mosquito repellent and I still have not done so! I think I will pick up a bottle this week and start taking them, worse case scenario is that it helps my arthritis in my joints, and see if it works. I am not going to tell the kids I am taking them and then I am going to see if the mosquitoes bite them more when we are outside. I will update the results at a later date. Oh and don't ya'll tell them about this experiment either or they will think I am being mean if it works and I don't get bitten like they do. If it does work I will tell them their sacrifice is greatly appreciated and it's in the name of science!
Let me know if either of these work...I might have to do both on those outside picnic days
ReplyDeleteI'm with LB on this! Let us know!
DeleteLOL....all in the experiment!!! If it works I will get some of them. They never bit my Husband but would eat me up. I would always get upset because I would have lots of bite and him none. I know this is going to sound mushy but he always said it was because I was too sweet!! He was very salty, I think was the real reason :) :)
ReplyDeleteLet us know if there are any other side effects. I don't want to take a supplement that is going to have the same side effects as some fast food restaurants. LOL
ReplyDeleteI have something else you can try. My husband used to go to scout camp and never get bitten by any bugs, while everyone else did. We figured out that it was the soap he was using. He used Irish Spring and he never got one bite while camping. My daughter didn't relish the idea of using a deodorant soap but she tried it for a week before she went and continued using it while there, and not one bite did she get! So just an idea you might want to try, oh and it has to be the original green one, not the other ones. :)
ReplyDeleteJust thought I would tell you about my husband and him never getting bitten by bugs when he went to scout camp with our son or hauled the girls gear up for girls camp. He always showered with Irish Spring soap and never had a problem. While he was on one of the camping trips he forgot his soap in the showers and the next day it was gone, and by the next day he was getting bit!! So my daughter thought she would try it, even though she didn't want to really use a deodorant soap, but she started using it a few days before camp and used it while there and never got one bite! You have to use the original green Irish Spring not the blue one or any others. Just thought you might want to try it. ;)
ReplyDeleteokay I thought the first post didn't go through, sorry about that!
ReplyDeleteThis goes right up there with putting pennies in a zip lock bag of water to keep flies away. Now to just find something to keep spiders out of the house! We have wolf spiders the size of a coffee cup down here.
ReplyDeleteThe best tablets are sulphur and cream of tartar. Ate a ton of them as a kid and Fred used them when he was working at Scout camp. Keeps ticks and mosquitoes from biting you. The only place I can find them now is online. All the drugstores used to carry them.