Friday, July 13, 2012

Naughty Princess Cards - All 8!

***WARNING*** If you are easily offended, do not appreciate sexual innuendo's, do not like reading foul language, feel that I am desecrating the Disney princesses then read no further - and please do not send me hate mail telling me what a terrible person I am for making these cards. These are MY crafts and MY website so I will make and post what I see fit *okie rolls her eyes remembering some of the hate mail she got last time*
Thank you,

As most of you know I had a temporary moment of insanity and decided I would remake the Naughty Princess series of cards. I had a couple of people ask for them, wanting to purchase, and to be honest with everything going on in my life right now I could use the money. However I think it would have been easier taking a second job at McDonalds than making the princess cards! *okie makes a note to never try and craft for a living*.

I tried to match the papers and sentiments to the theme of the Princess as much as possible. Some of the sentiments are the same from the original series and then some I changed. I also added Mulan and Pocahontas to the series.  I also added a little graphic on the inside of the cards to help carry on with the theme of the card or sentiment. I just thought it was a nice touch.

So without further ado here they alphabetical order since that is the way they loaded up for this post.

Princess Ariel

front - He smiled and asked "hey baby what's your sign?"

inside - and I told him "SLIPPERY WHEN WET"

Princess Belle

front - I need a prince in the ballroom

inside - and a beast in the bedroom

Princess Cinderella

front - My glass slipper

inside - Isn't the only thing I lost last night!


Princess Jasmine

front - Arabian Nights like Arabian Days

inside - are hotter than hot when riding...My Magic Carpet!

Princess Mulan

front - He brags about his sword...

inside - Imagine my disappointment to find out it was only just a CHOPSTICK


Princess Pocahontas

front - I said "give me the colors of the wind"

inside - so he...FARTED DURING SEX!

Princess Sleeping Beauty

front - Damn Right I'm Good In Bed!

inside - I can sleep for DAYS!


Princess Snow White

front - You would eat a poison apple

inside - if the 7 inches you were promised was actually 1 inch 7 times!

I can't believe how long it took me to complete all 80 cards. I knew it would take awhile since the princess cuts have so much detail but GOOD FRIKKIN GRIEF I feel like I haven't gotten anything else done in WEEKS! Oh well it did keep me focus on something else than all the stress going on in my life, and I will share part of that later on in another post.

The good news is that I already have 4 sets of the cards spoken for so that leaves 6 more sets available. The pricing is as below...

8 Naughty Princess cards - $55, includes priority shipping with delivery confirmation.
International orders add an extra $5.
I use the Click N' Ship through the USPS.COM website so I am able to ship out the next business day after payment is received. If you so desire an email can be sent to you informing you that your order is ready for shipment.


  1. These are hilarious and so cute! How did you come up with all those sayings?

  2. These are so funny. I love them all and know how hard you worked on them.

  3. OK these are just so Naughty but Nice. Made me smile LOL:-) TFS

  4. oh I am crying from laughter.. LOVE em Okie!! Wish I could afford them!

  5. You did a great job with the princess's. They are cute!

  6. Okie! I love your sense of humor!!!! LOVE the last collection and LOVE these even more!!!!! TY for making me LOL this morning!!!

  7. You totally crack me them. Lee-Ann :)

  8. Fabulous cards Shirley ... I love them all. The princesses are all loveley ... and those sentiments are totally outrageous! I have no idea how you came up with them, but they are PERFECT (you have me laughing shamelessly!

    I know they took you a long time to complete ... but bravo ... they are excellent!


  9. OMG woman, I do love your sense of humor! Fabulous job as always. hugs eileen

  10. So funny. While reading the cards I was thinking of who I know to give the card to! LOL

  11. These are so cute and funny and really have a talent there. Woo and you did it with a it....

  12. I don't see them on your Etsy store. How an I order a set?

  13. You totally outdid yourself! This set is even better than the original. If I could figure out who to send them to I would buy a set. Most of my friends would not appreciate such great humor! Maybe I need to find some new friends.

  14. These are hilarious! I think you adding the graphics on the inside was genius. It really did add that extra something :)

  15. These are hilarious! I think you adding the graphics on the inside was genius. It really did add that extra something :)

  16. OMG - loved your last set and these are even better!! I can truly appreciate the time and effort that went into these, especially after doing Spongebob characters for DGD. I dreamed about trying to line up layers for days! Awesome job Okie! Can't wait to see what you come up with next and hope your stress levels go down.

  17. So funny! Not sure who I could send them too but great job!! They are a hit.

  18. these are awesome!! i've been wanting to make more fun and blunt cards too! great job!!


  19. love them all, great work Okie.

  20. So funny!!! You did a GREAT job on the princess figures.

    Marjorie from TX

  21. Love the cards....but mostly LOVE your humor, you always make me smile.

  22. Love your cards. They are hysterical. Hope your stress goes away quickly and things get better. Cindy

  23. HA HA HA!!!! Love them. Could you PLEASE post how you printed the sayings and such? Very cute. You are so right, it is your blog and frankly, your business!!! Don't let anyone get ya down. Very fun. Sandy C.

  24. I had to call my husband down to take a look at these. Both of us are hysterical laughing. I love all the papers you used!!! I have to say my favorites are #2 and #5..but love them all:) You have to make one with Tinker Bell sometime..would love to see what you came up with using her! Thanks for a good laugh;)

  25. HIlarious. I know what you mean about cuts being intricate. Sometimes I just want to blow it all up! One day I counted how many times I had pasted the pieces on a particular was 1600 times. Good Grief!

  26. LOVE LOVE LOVE these cards! I cracked up when I saw them the first time, and this did did not disappoint either! Way to go--and congrats on finishing your massive project--squirrels and all!

  27. OMG-- they are hilarious! Love them. You should team up with someone that does sexy lingerie parties! An outfit, a toy whip and hey why not a card to kick the night off.

  28. Love the cards . . . love the humor!

  29. Great job. For the BAD girl in us all

  30. Love them! Fantastic job you did. A+ for your creativity with the sayings, and A+ for your patience in doing all the tiny pieces for the princesses. I know you have put a ton of time and work into this project, and you need to be soooo very proud! Congrats on finishing an amazing project!

  31. These are hilarious! I love them all! The Belle one is my favorite hee hee

  32. Oh man, these are so hilarious! Amazing job, and can't believe you put soooooo many princess together!

  33. Love everything you make, but I love, love, love your naughty cards!! Make me smile and laugh and the world needs more of that!! Can't wait to see what you make next!!

  34. OMGOSH! I can't stopping laughing! These are soooooo stinkin' FUNNY! My Hubby & I are crackin' up! LOVE these cards Okie! You did a FABULOUS job like always! :o)

  35. so stinking funny!! this is your best work yet. keep them coming...

  36. your cards are so funny :) I love all of them - they're fantastic!!

  37. Your cards are too funny! I loved them all. Great job putting them together.


  38. OMG these are fantastic!!!! I almost rolled out of bed laughing so hard!!! Absolutely fabulous job!

  39. These cards are so funny! Great job!
