**DISCLAIMER** If you are easily offended please leave now. If you don't like foul
language, LEAVE NOW! If you don't like sexual innuendo's.....GET OUT OF
HERE! Now if those things don't bother you...then keep reading!!
I am posting the whole series in one post which I know is unusual for me since I usually do individual posts but this series is different....I AM SELLING THEM!!
*okie sees someone in the back faint* Uh, do we need to call the paramedics??
*okie waves for someone to go check on the poor reader in the back that is gonna have a knot on their noggin*.
Yep you heard me... S E L L I N G them! I am very nervous about even trying to sell them since I never think my stuff is good enough to sell and I am wondering did I put all the work into these for nothing. But I do have to share that I have two sets sold, sight unseen! I posted a sneak peek of one of the sentiments on Facebook and BOOM just like that I had a "pre-order" as she called it. I then had another lady contact me and purchased a set! One reason I am selling is that I can use the extra money in the summer time due to my work load going down and another is...well I should try and recoup a little cost of all all the money I spend on supplies
*okie thinks paper, but will just keep it at supplies*.
Anyway here is the series, I will post pricing at the end of the post. I used A Child's Year as the main focus of the series along with sentiments that I found online from the
SomeEcards site that everyone is loving right now. Oh come on now, surely some of ya'll saw this series coming!!
*okie cracks up laughing*
This is the first set in the series and includes 6 cards but I took two pictures. You can click the pictures if you want to see more detail.
This set includes a Christmas card, Friend card and 4th of July Card.
It also includes a male birthday, and two general purpose cards.
Here are close up shots of the cards, click on the picture to make them bigger if you would like.
The inside sentiment reads:
A friend will calm you down you you're angry
But a BEST friend will skip beside you with a baseball bat singing "someone's gonna get it"
Inside sentiment reads:
This July
4th, I'm certainly not above a Jim Beam-fueled "U-S-A" chant

Inside sentiment reads:
I am going to re-gift something special for you!
Inside sentiment reads:
hoping your candles aren't the only thing that get blown this year!

Inside sentiment reads:
I'm outdoorsy...
in that I like getting drunk on patios
Inside sentiment reads:
I hate when I'm singing a song and someone corrects me.
I'm like...
"Bitch what if I was freestyling."
This is the second set in the series. Again all are using A Child's Year as the main focus.
This set includes a friend, get well and love card.
Also includes a female birthday, Christmas and 4th of July card.

Inside sentiment reads:
I appreciate your friendship so much that if we ever got into a fist fight I'd totally try my best to avoid your face.
Inside sentiment reads:
Get Well Soon
because your cough is fucking disgusting!

Inside sentiment reads:
If you love someone you should tell them every day because...
You never know when you will find someone better
Inside sentiment reads:
hoping your cake isn't the only thing that gets eaten this year!

Inside sentiment reads:
I want you to have something...
I don't need anymore
Inside sentiment reads:
I'm patriotic, in that I sometimes get astonishingly hammered on only American sounding beers
Each card is made with top quality cardstock and designer papers. Attention has been paid to such detailing as inking and embellishing. Every card will carry the "handmade by okieladybug" stamp on the back. I actually thought about adding "okieladybug...when you care to say you give a shit" but thought that might be going overboard.
I only accept Paypal and pricing is as follows:
Set 1, includes the 6 cards in the photos - $30, includes priority shipping (please add $5 extra for international shipping)
Set 2, includes the 6 cards in the photos - $30, includes priority shipping (please add $5 extra for international shipping)
Purchase both sets for $55, includes priority shipping...this option saves you $5 and gives you all 12 cards in the series! (please add $5 extra for international shipping)
I had 12 sets available but 2 sets have already sold. Once they are gone they are gone because I will not be making this series again! If you are interested in purchasing sets please
EMAIL me for details. Do NOT ask for me to change the cards in the sets as they are already assigned to sets.