Um yeah I am kinda sucking at the self therapy. I think I need chocolate!!
*okie laughs and grins*I would like to thank everyone for the supportive comments and emails I received about yesterdays post. Because of that I have decided that ya know what, this is my blog and it is Scrap
N' MORE so you guys might be getting the more part now since I have decided to take my thoughts from MSword to my blog. I figure what the heck, some of ya'll feel like you really know me so ya might as well know a little more about me. And besides, I am usually a pretty open book about things in my life anyway. And if ya don't want to read it, then just don't be clickin on my blog
*okie laughs her little smart aleck laugh and gives a wink*I will share one daughter has officially flunked out of college. This has been a huge blow to me because I wanted so much more for her.
*okie does the sshhh motion with her finger on her lips and speaks quietly* Don't ya'll tell her this, but I have to realize that I did the same thing when I was in college. I was a big party animal and then one morning at the age of 24 I woke up and magically said "it's time to grow up and be an adult" and that is what I did. I went back and finished my bachelors degree, after changing my major about six different times, and then went on to complete my masters degree and then get my licensed professional counselor certification. I know there is hope for her yet. I just wanted her to make better decisions than I did. LIVE AND LEARN! Maybe it will make her a stronger person, at least that is my hope. I have to thank my friend Linda for listening to me cry and helping me get my mind a little more straight about this situation. I know I talk bad about Linda on here
*okie thinks, because Linda can be meaner than heck sometimes* but she truly is one of my best friends, even if she does tell me all the time when we are in the car and she pulls out in traffic "oh well, it will hit your side first and you are fluffy enough to cushion me".
It amazes me some days in my life when I think about what my worst fears have been and then they come and slap me in the face. My daughter's problems with college is one of them. I remember my dad telling me when I started college "Finish your education. Everything in this world can be taken from you, your house, your family, your money, your freedom. Everything. But the ONE thing that can never be taken from you is your education". My dad died during my first semester of college but his words stuck with me. Even during the times when I had flunked out or decided to sit out I always knew I would go back and finish, but when I was ready. I think my dad would be proud that I went as far with my education that I did.
The hard part I am dealing with is that I made her a deal. I told her as long as she was in school I would pay her car insurance and cell phone bill. Well she isn't going to be in school anymore so that means I have to toughen up and now charge her for those things or let her get her own. I know it will be hard on her and I don't want her to suffer like I did when I was younger. But I do know it made me the person I am today...strong, independent, determined, etc etc
*okie thinks she will leave out the crazier than a bedbug adjective* and maybe it will help build her character as well. She even mentioned last night on the phone "Mom you have your life and I have mine". I told her "Ya know what you are right, that is correct. You do have your life and I have my life". I think it scared her and she said "that's not what I meant, don't take it that way". And I told her "but it is true, and it's time you lived your life". I think she might have gotten the hint that the purse strings were going to be pulled tight when I said that because the sound in her voice was one of trepidation.
Okay enough of that for's time for chocolate! HA HA HA Just kidding.
Oh I do want to share with you guys that I have lost 26lbs this summer. I weighed on the last day of school which was May 20th and,
*okie looks around and shakes her head* HELL NO I AM NOT GOING TO TELL YOU WHAT I WEIGHED!! Geez Louise! It's just been too hot to cook or eat so I only eat what I feel like I can stand to ingest. I was worried about it but the doctor said I am fine and it is just because I have changed eating habits. I hope I can keep it up, er is that down, and lose some more weight. I know it would be good for my health and my diabetes
*okie still swears that doctor is lying and she doesn't have diabetes*. With the heat being the way it is it might be a few more months before my electronic cooking devices in my kitchen get turned on again!
That is all for now, I got some things to get done around here, but not crafting. Sorry about that folks. I hope to craft some day soon.