This version is the

Someone need a cross that didn't use SYI. I looked through the carts the lady had and then found the olive branch from the Beyond Birthdays and thought that might look nice. I am not sure I am happy with it but maybe someone might like it so I thought I would make it available for download. I will try to work on some more versions tomorrow, uhh.......make that later today!!
UPDATE: Crazyaboutscrapping (the MB member who need a modification) cut th

e cross and posted it on the MB. She was nice enough to allow me to post the picture!! Thanks Crazy!! They turned out great!!
I love it. Thank you so much. I wanted something special for my mom. I have bought her an album and some special paper but I wanted to have some hand-made items for her to use. She has cancer and religion, which has always been important to her has become even more so. Thank you so much. I know she will love this.