Saturday, August 15, 2015

True Confession

So I likely need to make a confession to you guys and tell you the true reason for me not being around as much. I have an addiction. I don't know how to stop and to be honest I am not sure I want to stop. It's not always daily but other times it can be more than once a day. In reality I likely have many addictions and probably have most of my life but this one is fairly new and can be quite time consuming because it in many ways enables some of my other addictions. I could try denying it, minimizing it, rationalizing it and even justifying it but none of that is going to help me admit there might be a problem. My friends and family are no help because they are enablers and often encourage me to continue the addiction. I think my friend Carmen might be the worst of the enablers as she encouraged daily occurrences of the addiction while I was in Houston and I know when she comes to visit soon we will likely reveal in the addictive behavior on a daily basis. 

Here I am, with my head hung in shame to say....Hello, my name is okie and I am a Goodwillaholic.*okie takes a deep sigh and holds it for a second to keep from crying* I feel so much better since I got that out. I didn't use to be a Goodwillaholic but it just became easier and easier for me to slip into the depths of the addiction. I think it all started back in February when I got a Canon Pixma Pro-100 wide format printer, which retails for over $400, for $36. The box was open but it looked like everything was in there, and it was. The printer works great, my daughter uses it more than I do, so it was a really good deal.

While this was likely the start of my addiction I have since that time gotten quite a few other items for really good prices and that just keeps my addiction going. Just recently I found 3 tins of buttons and that lead to me having to reorganize all my buttons, which deserves a post of it's own and I will do later. I also got some Sterilite drawers that fit perfectly in my craftroom closet. So you see my addiction to Goodwill also fuels my addiction to organization. It's all a vicious never ending circle. I got all 9 of the big drawers for $18! I was thrilled when they fit perfectly under my shelving in the closet. I still don't have everything organized in the closet because my squirrel problem but at least I do have places to put things in there.

Okay I would love to tell you more about my addiction but I think I need to go organize something now.


  1. I love reading you stories You are a good story teller.
    . You should write a book with short stories in it.
    Or just take a bunch of you post from you blog and put them together and make a book.

  2. I am glad you admitted to your problem that is the first step. If I found a printer fr $40.00 I might be addicted also.

  3. You could have worse additions, I just wish I could find some deals like that at my Goodwill!

  4. so true but funny. (also wish I could find such great bargains)

  5. Love the way you share stories with us!

  6. Hmmmm ... a GoodwillAholic, huh? Well, that's really not a shock ... between the printer and clocks and frames and boots and purses and and buttons and storage bins and kitchen garbage cans and, and, and, and ... OK, let's just say that I saw this one coming. BTW, I am getting ready to call Goodwill to offer a nice-sized donation of "stuff" - including some crafty things. Perhaps I should just cut out the middle man, and send it all to you? (*wink*) =)

  7. Love your stories! You sound like someone I would love to have as a friend. You are such a fun person...judging from your posts. Liz

  8. well better a goodwill addiction...cause it profits others too....then a craft and create channel or HSN, QVC ADDICTION...LOL I think you'll survive this addiction!!! lol luv it!

  9. Well... it's better than being some other types of addicts! :) Wish I knew where there was a goodwill around here... I would so totally get addicted with ya! :)

    Theresa’s Crafty Creations
