Thursday, September 9, 2010

Comments...well this is embarrassing!

My friend Linda, aka LGuild, has set up a blog and had asked a me a few questions and I went into my last post and I guess I clicked no comments or something! So sorry about that folks. If you tried to leave a comment on the vintage cards and it wouldn't accept the comment it was totally my own stupidity!! It will now accept comments.

And here I thought no one liked my card because I didn't even have one comment!! *okie gives herself a V-8 smack on the forehead*


  1. Okie herself getting a smack! That made my day! HA HA HA

    Thank you, LGuild, for making it possible!

  2. Okie! My sewing machine was waiting for me when I got home today! Can you believe how fast!?!? I'm trying to figure it out...threaded my bobbin so far...wish me luck! I saw the metal ones at Tuesday Mornings today, they'd fit, should've got 'em. Wonder what the difference is. Anyway, Thanks again for the heads up!

  3. You're just too silly Okie!! Love it!!

  4. you crack me up. you think the same thing I think but just cant get it out on paper or my blog. Have a great night Keep up the great work.

  5. Okie, you are so hilarious!! Just love reading your comments so I can laugh at your sense of humor!!! Above Rubies Studio suggested we go here to read about your thoughts on blogging. SO glad I did. Now, I'll take the time to look at what you create... Thanks for the laughs.

  6. Love your site and your sense of humor!!

  7. Okie i so look forward to your blog posts everyday as there is always something there to make me smile :) You seem like such a wonderful happy do lucky person

  8. Anne.......SHUT IT! JUST SHUT IT!

    Jessica I am not sure what the difference is, maybe the size, but I know my metal ones work just fine in there.

    Maureen I am not sure silly is the right description, but it is nicer than what I was thinking! LOL

    Thanks Dawn! I am glad I crack someone else up too, often wonder if anyone is laughing with me...or are they just laughing at me! HA HA HA

    Char, thanks so much! What the crap is Megan telling folks to come over here for? LOL Just kiddin....and welcome to my blog!

    Donna, enough good drugs in the 80's can make anyone a happy go lucky person! LMAO BUT SERIOUSLY ... I try not to take life too seriously, not sure that made sense...

  9. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! The mental image is HILARIOUS!!!!! Thanks for the laugh!!!! :)

  10. I was wondewring what happened! Now I forget what I was going to say but Oh Well!! Love your cards and your hilarious commentary!

  11. A smack for Okie!!! Ok we will forgive you this time but don't let it happen again. ha

    I love these cards, would love to find the paper you use, thanks for the ideas you share with us and your wonderfyl humor.

    Donna C.
